Hot Offer...! 200$ bonus monthly...! The top 10 employers (Top 10 spenders) and top 10 workers will receive the attractive award prize... See More   ***   Great News...! If you invite your Friend you will earn $0.10 per Referral... See More   ***  

Facebook: Page like and Invite


Job Description

*** At least you need 500 friend

01. Go to
02. Open
03. Like The Page
04. Go to invite page, select all of your friend (At least 500 friend) and take a screenshot.
05. Sent Invitation all of your friend and take another screenshot.

How to prove you done it

Please sent two screenshot with invitations

Job Targeting

(this job is available for workers from all countries)

Job Details

Featured Job

About the Employer



  • From: Bangladesh Bangladesh (kjhgfg)
  • Member Since: December 5, 2021
  • Jobs Posted: 1262

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