Write a positive google map review on my google map business place
Go to this link
https://maps.app.goo.gl/k5DcMGwSnMQqT1CC7?g_st=iwb ,
2- Make 5 STARS Rating + write a short postive review and must be in SPANISH lANGUAGE ''you can use google traduction to translate your review to spanish '' ,and the review must describe a good Car Rent by Mr Jonathan .
Done .That's all
Note = to get paid ,you review must be published and accepted by google and also must show publicly ,you can open a private window in your browser and open this google map link and check the reviews ,if you found your review posted ,then SUBMIT YOUR PROOF TO GET PAID ,if not use another gmail account and try again ,you submit the proof only if the review is published publicly .
(this job is available for workers from all countries)