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Personal Details

  • User ID
  • Company
    :Harun Biswas
  • Location
    :Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh
  • Member Since
    :August 24, 2021
  • Last Activity
    :November 22, 2021 12:57 AM


  • Ads Click
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  • Facebook
  • Graphics Design
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About Me

Hello Guys it's Me Harun Biswas. I can do graphic design, I can do search click work, I can do sign up work, I can do data entry work, those who want to work with me will be 100% sure, I will do your job 100% sure. Thanks

Worker Statistics

  • Rating
    : 5.0
  • Tasks Complete
    : 3
  • Satisfied
    : 2
  • Not Satisfied
    : 1
  • Average Job Price
    : $0.018
  • Min Job Price
    : $5.000
  • Total Earned
    : $0.035